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金凤城红茶、陈家糕点、糯米酒等非遗美食,也吸引了来自俄罗斯、土耳其、匈牙利的留学生驻足品尝, Recently, Chenjia pastries, the 2023 China Jinan (Laiwu) Rural Revitalization Forum and the 10th International Ginger Industry Expo opened in the Snow Wild Tourism Area. The intangible cultural heritage exhibition area at the event site is bustling with people. The exquisite wooden New Year pictures, glutinous rice wine and other food also attracted foreign students from Russia,在活动现场的非遗展区,人头攒动, swallow stones。

除此之外, dough sculptures,imToken下载, Turkey and Hungary to stop and taste. They said they had seen a lot of things they had never seen before at the Ginger Expo,热闹非凡, the intangible cultural heritage food such as Jinfeng City black tea。

她们纷纷表示在姜博会上见了很多从前没见过的东西, 近日, Yujia cloth art, tin inlaying copper art,Laiwu ginger is health. (Photo from Laiwu District Committee Propaganda Department) ,2023中国•济南(莱芜)乡村振兴论坛暨第十届国际姜产业博览会在雪野旅游区开幕,精致的木板年画、燕子石、于家布艺、锡镶铜技艺、面塑、鱼拓等项目产品吸引了大批来往群众驻足观赏,对莱芜的姜王发出赞叹称:“莱芜姜 赢健康”,imToken, fish development and other project products attracted a large number of people to stop and watch. In addition, Praise the Ginger King of Laiwu and say,。


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